Table of Contents

Enum LLM.TemplateFormat


Defines the possible formats for model chat templates, indicating specific structures and encoding standards used for chatbot interactions.

public enum LLM.TemplateFormat


Unknown = -1

The format is not recognized. This value is used as a default when the format cannot be determined.

LLama2 = 0

Format associated with LLama2 models, typically involving certain structural or functional characteristics unique to this version.

Phi2 = 1

Format designed for Phi2 models, supporting features and specifications tailored to these models.

Phi3 = 2

Format used by Phi3 models, optimized for advanced capabilities provided by this iteration.

ChatML = 3

ChatML format, which may use XML-based markup language specifically designed for chatbot scripts.

Zephyr = 4

Zephyr format, potentially signifying a model or template with specific optimizations or enhancements.

Vicuna = 5

Vicuna format, indicating a newer or possibly experimental format tailored for specific functionalities.

LLama3 = 6

Represents the format used by LLama3 models, indicating evolution or updates from earlier LLama versions.

CommandR = 7

CommandR format, which might denote a command-driven or interaction-specific scripting format for chatbots.

Gemma = 8

Gemma format, which may denote a format developed for enhancing user experience or specific interactive capabilities in chatbots.

Alpaca = 9

Format associated with Alpaca models, indicating specific structural or functional characteristics unique to this version.

DeepSeek = 10

DeepSeek template format.