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Enum TextGenerationResult.StopReason


Enumerates the various reasons that can lead to the termination of a text completion task.

public enum TextGenerationResult.StopReason


Unknown = 0

The reason for termination is unknown.

EndOfGeneration = 1

Indicates that the end of the sequence has been reached.

MaxTokenLimitReached = 2

Indicates that the maximum allowed number of tokens in the response has been reached.

StopSequenceDetected = 3

Indicates stopping due to detection of content that should not be prompted for further processing.

ContextSizeLimitExceeded = 4

Indicates that the context size limit has been reached, preventing further input processing.

CancellationRequested = 5

Indicates that a cancellation has been requested.

NoLogits = 6

Indicates that the model is unsuitable for tasks requiring logits, such as text completion.