Table of Contents

📝 LM-Kit.NET Change History

📅 Version 2024.9.3 (18 September 2024)


  • Improved function calling accuracy
  • Enhanced language detection accuracy
  • Boosted generic classification accuracy and speed
  • Increased inference speed on CPU

📅 Version 2024.9.2 (11 September 2024)

New Features

  • Added Seed property to RandomSampling, MirostatSampling, and Mirostat2Sampling classes
  • Introduced TrimAuto member to the InputLengthOverflowPolicy enumeration
  • Enabled deserialization of ChatHistory objects without specifying a Model parameter


  • Further increased inference speed on CPU
  • Enhanced internal API for better error handling

📅 Version 2024.9.1 (6 September 2024)


  • Optimized inference speed on CPU
  • Implemented checks to prevent access to disposed objects
  • Improved exception handling in quantization features

📅 Version 2024.9.0 (3 September 2024)

New Features

  • Added GetToken method to the Vocabulary class
  • Introduced Confidence property to the TextTranslation class
  • Added MaximumInputTokens property to the SingleTurnConversation class


  • Enhanced JSON content sampling strategy
  • Extended CUDA backend compatibility across more Windows configurations
  • Improved accuracy of the language detection engine
  • Enhanced compatibility with MAUI

📅 Version 2024.8.4 - Preview (26 August 2024)

New Features

  • Introduced GlobalConfiguration static class


  • Refined JSON content sampling strategy
  • Improved function calling accuracy and speed
  • Increased inference speed with Gemma2 models
  • Enhanced classification accuracy with tiny-small models

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when computing embeddings from a token array matching the context size

📅 Version 2024.8.3 - Preview (21 August 2024)


  • Improved support for Phi 3.5 models

📅 Version 2024.8.2 - Preview (20 August 2024)

New Features

  • Added CreateJsonGrammarFromJsonScheme method to the Grammar class


  • Improved JSON content sampling strategy
  • Enhanced function calling accuracy and speed

📅 Version 2024.8.1 - Preview (15 August 2024)

New Features

  • Added Vulkan backend 🔥
  • Introduced FunctionCallResult property to the FunctionCallEventArgs class
  • Added EnableVulkan property to the Runtime class
  • Included KeepLast property in the AfterTokenSamplingEventArgs class


  • Refined JSON content sampling strategy
  • Enhanced function calling accuracy and speed

📅 Version 2024.8.0 - Preview (8 August 2024)

New Features

  • Added CreateJsonGrammarFromFields method to the Grammar class
  • Enabled function calling support with any model class 🔥
  • Introduced SingleFunctionCall and FunctionCallResult classes
  • Added LMFunctionAttribute attribute


  • Enhanced grammar sampling strategy, especially for JSON schemes

📅 Version 2024.7.10 - Preview (6 August 2024)

New Features

  • Added support for Google Gemma 2 2B models 🔥
  • Introduced CreateJsonGrammarFromTextFields method to the Grammar class


  • Improved grammar sampling strategy, particularly with JSON schemes

📅 Version 2024.7.9 - Preview (31 July 2024)

New Features

  • Added Version property to the Runtime class

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue enabling neutral emotion support in the EmotionDetection class
  • Resolved issues when running fine-tuning with gradient checkpointing

📅 Version 2024.7.8 - Preview (30 July 2024)

New Features

  • Added MaximumContextLength property to the SingleTurnConversation class


  • Enhanced inference engine handling of context overflow scenarios

📅 Version 2024.7.7 - Preview (29 July 2024)


  • Enhanced compatibility with .NET Framework 4.6.2

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a crash related to grammar sampling

📅 Version 2024.7.6 - Preview (27 July 2024)

New Features

  • Added support for LLaMA 3.1 models 🔥


  • Enhanced logging mechanism

🎉 Version 2024.7.1 - Preview (23 July 2024)

🎉🥳 Initial release! 🥳🎉
😺 🐱 🐾