Table of Contents

Class DataSource


Represents a repository for various data sources, encapsulating the content from diverse sources such as documents, web pages, and other data-rich environments.
This class provides a unified interface to interact with different types of data in a consistent manner.

public sealed class DataSource : ISerializableData
Inherited Members


In LMKit, the hierarchy of data structures is organized as follows: a DataSource contains a collection of Section objects, each of which can hold a collection of TextPartition instances.



Gets the unique identifier for this instance.


Gets the metadata associated with this instance.


Gets a read-only collection of sections that make up this instance.



Creates a deep clone of this DataSource instance.
A deep clone involves creating a new instance of the class with all of the original object's data copied over, including a recursive copy of all complex properties, thus ensuring no references to the mutable objects of the original instance are shared.

Deserialize(byte[], LM)

Deserializes the given binary data into a DataSource instance using the specified model for context.
This method reconstructs a DataSource object from its binary form, applying the model to interpret or configure the data appropriately.

Deserialize(Stream, LM)

Deserializes a DataSource from a stream using the provided model for context.
This method reconstructs a DataSource object from its binary form, applying the model to interpret or configure the data appropriately.

Deserialize(string, LM)

Deserializes the binary data from the specified file path into a DataSource instance using the provided model for context. This method reconstructs a DataSource object from its binary form, applying the model to interpret or configure the data appropriately.


Retrieves a Section object from this instance based on the specified identifier.


Serializes this instance into a binary format and returns the resulting data as a byte array.


Serializes this instance into a binary format and writes it to the specified stream.


Serializes this instance into a binary format and writes it to the specified file path. This method converts the current instance into its binary representation and writes the data to a file at the given path.