Class MetadataCollection
Represents a collection of metadata entries, each consisting of a key and a value.
This class provides methods to manage metadata efficiently, allowing addition, removal, and queries based on keys.
public sealed class MetadataCollection
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Count
Gets the number of metadata entries currently in the collection.
- Metadata
Provides read-only access to the metadata entries in the collection.
- Add(Metadata)
Adds a metadata entry to the collection.
- Add(MetadataCollection)
Adds all metadata entries from the specified MetadataCollection to the current collection.
- Add(KeyValuePair<string, string>)
Adds a metadata entry to the collection by specifying a key and a value.
- Add(string, string)
Adds a metadata entry to the collection by specifying a key and a value.
- Clear()
Removes all metadata entries from the collection.
- Clone()
Creates a deep copy of the current MetadataCollection object.
- ContainsKey(string)
Determines whether a metadata entry with the specified key exists in the collection.
- ElementAt(int)
Retrieves the metadata entry at the specified zero-based index.
- Remove(Metadata)
Removes the specified metadata entry from the collection.
- Remove(string)
Attempts to remove the first occurrence of a metadata entry with the specified key from the collection.
- RemoveAt(int)
Removes the metadata entry at the specified index.